Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Environmental Horticulture class is ON FIRE!

Figuratively, of course. January 23rd California FFA Association announced our chapter was one of eight chapters to receive the Food For All grant. Paso Robles FFA is Living to serve by growing, harvesting, and donating fresh produce to our school lunch programs. Through the Food For All grant we received, they will continue this project and begin educating local elementary and middle school students on the production of healthy foods. So far, members have visited local schools and done presentation, and more recently they harvested 30 pounds of fresh salad greens. All of it will go to our students. Way to go guys! 

2015 California State FFA Conference

This year's California State FFA conference was, as usual, nothing short of amazing. Every year when students come back you hear them all say the same things, it never fails. They can't stop talking about how much fun they had, the friends they made, things that they learned, and stories that left an imprint on them in turn leaving them inspired.

For those of you who may not know, State Conference is a four day leadership conference held in Fresno, California with more than 5000 members and guests in attendance. Throughout these four days, members have the opportunity to learn and grow in workshops, listen to keynote speakers and retiring addresses from State Officers, visit a career show, and MUCH MORE... Oh yeah, we can't forget a concert from Dustin Lynch! Students learn a lot crammed into these four days but they still had a blast learning how to apply the "Reach Out" theme to their own lives once they got home.

I asked a couple of attendees from PRFFA what their favorite parts of State Conference were, here's what they had to say:

"State Conference has been a great opportunity for me the past two years to meet new people from other chapters around the state of California. Most importantly, I enjoyed getting closer with the other members of my chapter." -Kara Bullard

"We had so much fun learning from Rick Riggsby, our amazing state officers, national officers and seeing all the ways we can excel in FFA. I was truly inspired by all of these kids who can make hard work pay off! Hope in humanity = Restored!!" -Sarah Brown

 "State Conference is valuable for students to participate in general sessions, educational leadership workshops, and engage in the career show!" -Mrs. Gardner

What has the Livestock Judging Team been up to lately?

The PRFFA Livestock Judging team worked hard early on in the year to insure success in the upcoming season. After countless workouts and practices in the pre-season, they quickly saw their hard work start to pay off right before their eyes. Take a look below at their accomplishments so far as the season is reaching it's end.

UC Davis Field Day 
Paso Robles FFA received 12th overall out of 49 teams. Way to kick off the season! 
Results as follows: Mikaila Brinar 13th over all, 170 reasons; Kara Bullard 23rd overall, 171 reasons, also received high individual in sheep and 10th high individual in reasons; Cody Richardson 109th overall, 160  reasons; Hailey Bowman 129th overall, 131  reasons. 

Chico State University Field Day 
The team had a great time at the Chico State Field day! Not only did they have fun competing, they also had the opportunity to do an industry tour and some sight seeing. 
Results as follows: Kara Bullard 51st overall, 163 reasons; Cody Richardson 70th overall, 149  reasons; Mikaila Brinar 103rd overall, 147 reasons; Austin Borden 151st overall, 119 in reasons; Hailey Bowman 158th overall, 144 reasons. 

Merced Jr. College Field Day 
The team laced 17th overall at the Merced Field day. Each member gave three sets of reasons each.
Results as follows: Kara Bullard 35th overall, 126 reasons; Mikaila Brinar 45th overall, 119 reasons; Cody Richardson 105th overall, 11 reasons; Austin Borden 125th overall, 99 reasons. 

Modesto Jr. College Field Day 
MJC was yet another great field day for the team. 
Results as follows: Austin Borden, 5th high individual, 4th high individual in swine, 4th high individual in beef; Kara Bullard 23rd overall; Mikaila Brinar 42nd overall; Cody Richardson 47th overall.

   Reedley College Field Day
The livestock Judging team placed 1st high individual at the Reedley field day! Way to go team!
Results as follows: First high team in swine; Kara Bullard 8th overall, 5th high individual in reasons, 3rd high individual in sheep; Cody Richardson 5th overall; Mikaila Brinar 19th overall.

Fresno State Field Day
Fresno was another successful field day for Paso Robles FFA! This was a fantastic kick off to California State FFA conference as well!
Results as Follows: 12th overall high team; 5th high team in reasons.

    Atascadero Invitational  
The livestock Judging team placed 4th high team overall.
Results as follows: 2nd high team in swine, 3rd high in beef, 4th high team in the test, 5th high team in reasons. Mikaila Brinar 1st high individual, 3rd high in the test, and 1st high in beef; Kara Bullard 2nd high in swine.