Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014 Banquet

On Tuesday May 20, 2014 Paso Robles FFA held our end of the year chapter banquet. We honored important supporters, hardworking students, and retired our 2013-2014 officers to install the 2014-2015 officer team. Our retired officer team consisted of; Anthony Gobea: President, Nathanael Bourgault: Vice President, Dylan Wilkinson: Treasurer, Calvin Jennings: Secretary, Kara Kester: Reporter, Matt Durian: Sentinel, Lexi Keuhl: Historian, and Alicia Avila: Parliamentarian. Four officers were re-elected; Alicia Avila: President, Kara Kester: Vice President, Nathanael Bourgault: Treasurer, and Dylan Wilkinson: Sentinel. Our new officers included Sarah Brown: Secretary, Carley Cockrum: Reporter, Kara Bullard: Historian, and Elijah Skromme: Parliamentarian. We are so excited to see what our new officer team has in store for the year ahead. Thank you to everyone who came to support our members on Tuesday!