On Tuesday May 20, 2014 Paso Robles FFA held our end of the year chapter banquet. We honored important supporters, hardworking students, and retired our 2013-2014 officers to install the 2014-2015 officer team. Our retired officer team consisted of; Anthony Gobea: President, Nathanael Bourgault: Vice President, Dylan Wilkinson: Treasurer, Calvin Jennings: Secretary, Kara Kester: Reporter, Matt Durian: Sentinel, Lexi Keuhl: Historian, and Alicia Avila: Parliamentarian. Four officers were re-elected; Alicia Avila: President, Kara Kester: Vice President, Nathanael Bourgault: Treasurer, and Dylan Wilkinson: Sentinel. Our new officers included Sarah Brown: Secretary, Carley Cockrum: Reporter, Kara Bullard: Historian, and Elijah Skromme: Parliamentarian. We are so excited to see what our new officer team has in store for the year ahead. Thank you to everyone who came to support our members on Tuesday!